Known as “Utah’s City of Trees,” Pleasant Grove property management most often serves single family homes and townhomes that cater to families looking for more space, but still prefer the urban amenities found in bigger cities. Rental demand in Pleasant Grove is high due to its proximity to the tech hub in Lehi that is referred to as silicon slopes. Pleasant Grove, however, when compared to Lehi, has lower rental price rates, which also makes it attractive to young professionals with families.
With one preschool, five elementary schools, five charter schools, one junior high, and one high school, there are plenty of educational opportunities in Pleasant Grove, making sure that any student is sure to have a quality education and plenty of opportunities for success.
From 2021 to 2022, employment in Pleasant Grove grew at a rate of 2.54%, from 17.7k employees to 18.2k employees.
The most common job groups, by number of people living in Pleasant Grove, are Management Occupations, Office & Administrative Support Occupations, and Sales & Related Occupations.
Because of this, Pleasant Grove has many growing job opportunities, attracting many potential renters to the area, this is great news for investors!
Pleasant Grove’s recreation center has classes for many interests like science, tumbling, dance, cooking, babysitting, and youth fishing. In addition to these classes, they also hold parent/child date nights, lego camps, and gym activities for toddlers and children.
Youth and adult sports are also available seasonally, including soccer, fusbal, baseball, track club, fishing, softball, t-ball, tennis, golf, basketball camp, volleyball camp, cross country club, and pickleball.
There is also a public pool with swim lessons, aerobic lessons, and a swim team.
Strawberry Days: In the third week of June, Pleasant Grove holds Strawberry Days, an event over one hundred years old and the longest continuously running rodeo in Utah. With events like bull riding, steer wrestling, barrel racing, and calf roping, Strawberry Days is fun for all ages and is highly attended.
Dia De Los Muertos -Family Festival: This new festival promises lots of candy as each child gets two big scoop fulls. Kids can also enjoy making crafts and receiving other prizes. There is also dancing, games, face painting, a community ofrenda, costume contest and so much more!
Other events include: Coffee with the Mayor, Run Like a Viking 5k, Santa Claus is Coming to Town Event, and Gingerbread Building Contest!
Other Information:
- Population: 37,630
- Library: 1
- Senior Center: 1
- Median Household Income: $91,322
- Distance from Orem: 6.1 miles