Cottonwood Heights Property Management

Tools to Help Investors Succeed

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New Owner FAQs

This is a full property management service. We find the tenants, screen the tenants, enforce the lease, collect rent, do inspections, coordinate maintenance issues, handle move outs and move ins, take care of evictions – if needed. In short we, take care of all the details and work so you don’t have to. You will have your own online portal to access anytime you want. You will be able to retrieve current and past monthly statements, invoices, tax documents, and annual summary, all from the convenience of your own portal. We will take care of you and the property.

Lets start with what we do not charge. Unique to us, we do not markup service calls. If we have to call out maintenance you will get a copy of their bill and you will not be charge a penny more than what they charged. With other management companies you won’t even know you are getting a markup on costs. That is why they will keep the invoice from you and won’t let you talk directly with the technician. We keep everything above board and let you see what you are paying for.

Monthly management fees: 8% of the rent plus $9 a month for an attorney retainer fee. The attorney fee covers the cost of an eviction and court costs, if needed. It also covers the cost of legal advice regarding situations that may arise with a tenant and the lease.

Periodic fees: These include those listed below. If you are signing up 10 or more units jump to the Bulk Discount at the bottom of this section.

One time sign up fee: $100 (waived if signing up more than one unit).

Leasing fee: 12% of the rent. Charged each time we need to find a new tenant because someone moves (typically once every 1-3 years). This includes the costs of advertising with online pay sites.

Screening fees: $25 per person, only for applications that are processed but they do not sign up (typically there are 0-3 screening fees during the course of filling a vacancy). This is different than most management companies do it. Having your best interest in mind is what drove us to do screening fees this way rather than charging them to applicants. When charging the applicant it actually causes them to first consider other places or makes them delay submitting their application. Thinking through this, we realized that every day your place sits empty costs you more money than a screening fee is even worth. This fee structure actually saves you money because we get your vacancy filled faster. Now, this does not mean you get charged for every application that comes in. We want to keep this as low as possible. If someone’s application is approved and they sign up then there is no application fee. It’s only for those that get to the final stages of the application process and then they are denied for credit and/or background or, if approved, they change their mind and don’t sign a lease. To prevent unnecessary screening fees, we first run them through a pre-screening that can weed out those that couldn’t be approved anyway. The pre-screening checks are: tenants must have toured the property, each adult must have submitted an individual application with a current pay stub and picture ID, applications need to be filled out properly with no disqualifying factors listed, applications are screened through our attorneys database – comprised of evictions and collections from hundreds of property managers over several decades. Only after passing all those pre-screenings, we do a credit and background check with the potential of a screening fee.

Bulk discount: If you are signing up 10 or more units we greatly simplify and reduce the fees. For 10 or more units we only charge the 8% management fee. All the other services are still included and all the others fees are waived.

The property owner is responsible for the property’s bills and payments.

In addition to a professional For Rent sign at the property and being listed on our website, it will be posted to dozens of online classified websites and refreshed weekly. Once we have the ad written and the pictures uploaded, our top of the line software is capable of sending the ads out to all the big websites with the simple click of a button. Anyone looking will easily be able to find your property for rent.

Usually 2-3 weeks, sometimes less. Vacancies are a major focus for us because we understand a vacancy can be a property owners biggest expense. Because we jump right on it, we often succeed at getting new tenants lined up to move in before the old tenants have even moved out.

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Owner Videos

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Help, I Need My Rental Filled

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What to Charge for Rent

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How to Screen Tenants

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Attorney Retainer Program

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What Our Owners Think

Our Blog

Good v.s Bad Property Managers

In today’s video we’ll discuss a common concern, what are the difference between good and bad property managers? In doing so, we’ll also touch on the role of what a property manager does. Check out the video below or keep reading for more information. If you have any questions or

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Top 6 Ways a DIY Landlord May Lose Money

  DIY can be a great way to be independent, learn new skills, and often times it saves you money.  There are a lot of people taking the DIY approach as a landlord.  If a person has the time and resources to follow best practices, it can be a rewarding

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Best Practices to Screen Tenants

What are the best practices to screen tenants for a rental property? In today’s video, Jeff Stinson from Kasteel Property Management goes over some of the best practices to consider when screening tenants for a rental property. Watch the video or read the rest of the article below to find

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Innovative Mortgage Alliance

  • We strive for a three week closing
  • Your own portal to view live progress of files and upload important docs
  • Four business hour response time, or less
  • We pay per diem if escrow closes late for reasons within our control
  • Same Day Pre-Approvals
  • We’ll strive to provide you the lowest rates and fees possible
  • Twice weekly communication on files in process

Quality Restoration

Quality Restoration has been helping individuals, families, and businesses recover from unexpected losses due to flood, fire, and other natural disasters since 2001. They are experts at navigating the insurance claims process. They work with your insurance company, as your advocate, to ensure that you are made whole in every way possible. No one plans to have a flood, fire, or some other natural disaster; but when it happens, it’s nice to know that the friendly team at Quality Restoration will be there for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Anchor Property Maintenance

With 15+ years of experience in the construction world, we have the skills to fix just about anything. Anchor Property Maintenance officially started in 2017 providing services from little repairs to full remodels. Our favorite projects are the unique ones that other people can’t quite figure out or rather not do. We are passionate about quality work and always strive to go above and beyond to make that happen!